
These are all English spoken events that we have organised since 2010 in chronological order starting with the latest one. For all Dutch events see the Dutch website.

  • Tuesday April 26th 2022 “The New Heretics: Polarisation, Conspiracies and Freedom” Talk by Andy Thomas (Via Zoom)

    The New Heretics
    Andy’s latest book The New Heretics highlights serious issues with the way that freedom of expression and choice is being destroyed by an establishment that seems to believe suppression actually changes people’s minds – when it doesn’t. The pandemic and the many different polarised responses to it, along with other contentious recent events, has revealed serious divisions in who we trust and what we believe, fostering a suspicion once again that fear is being used to control populations. But with everyone fighting their corners, both mainstream and alternative, it is easy to fall into hatred and oppositional thinking that help no one. Based on his own experiences with researching conspiracies and the paranormal, Andy looks at how we can approach different opinions to our own in ways that are more constructive, and which could make a real difference to the way truth seekers pursue their causes.

    Andy Thomas
    Andy is a leading researcher into mysteries and cover-ups and is the author of The New Heretics as well as the acclaimed The Truth Agenda and Conspiracies, all widely praised for providing real and balanced insights into conspiracy thinking and paranormal research. His many other books include Vital Signs and An Introduction to Crop Circles, seen as definitive guides to the circle-phenomenon. Andy is one of Britain’s most prolific lecturers and has also spoken in many other countries. He has made numerous radio and TV appearances. Andy is also founder of Changing Times, which holds events on truth and mysteries, and he is a key organiser of the Glastonbury Symposium, the UK’s renowned Alternative Conference, held each year since 1990. More information about Andy Thomas and his work:

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “The New Heretics”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.

  • Urgent Call for Action by Nancy Polet LLM, 26th message!

    Sky High Creations logo

    Call for Group Meditation, Saturday April 23rd 2022

    I call on you to participate in a weekly Group Meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st Meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next Meditation by email.

    What’s going on?

    On April 18th, another March for Freedom was held in Amsterdam. Freedom fighter Willem Engel was there and he told the audience the following:
    “Demand the police your file and destroy it;
    Make backups of your social media-accounts;
    Stop using your digital identification;
    Enjoy life;
    Form communities and joint them together;
    Charge yourself now and stay alert because Covid-22 is coming.”

    Shanghai is in severe lockdown. According to the alternative Dutch newspaper “De Andere Krant”, children are being taken away from their parents and pets that belong to people that have tested positive are killed. On top of that there are food-shortages that lead to looting.
    Meanwhile the conflict in Ukrain continues, with images of bombings and destruction being shown on TV daily. Whatever the truth is, it is not what we see on TV.



    • Where do I sign up?

    You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the Meditation.

    • What if I can’t make it on time?

    Just do the Meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after.

    • Should we be meditating daily?

    Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the Meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.



    • Nancy’s call for Group Meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer Meditations with friends. More and more people join the Meditation every week.
    • Participants report they find the Meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
    • Some people are empowered by the Meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the Meditation.
    • Some participants seem very happy with the Symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-Sign, as it represents the basis of Life on Earth.
    • We get reports from participants that join with the whole family every week and use the instructions to teach children about Meditation.
    • One participant pointed out that there is another reason why rolling up your tongue against your palate while Meditating is so important. As we would have explained in a later stage, your tongue touches the place in the mouth where it stimulates the Pineal Gland. And that is very important for Spiritual Growth as the Pineal Gland allows us to see beyond eyesight.

    Subject 26th Meditation

    The subject of this week is: The use of the Formula of the Red Ray as an act of Service to the Greater Good.

    Dion, adapted by Nancy

    We are grateful to say that by the time this Call for Action is received, our home and garden are made weatherproof. We shall be contemplating the problem of getting it clean, unless of course, we are “re-bombed” in the meantime.

    Nancy on the subject

    The Master of the Red Ray is Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion Goddess, the bottom chakra or the Kundalini-fire. Sekhmet is Livid because of the upcoming 3rd World War. We must now show our teeth to the government so as to prevent them from falling in the trap of participating in this war.
    I invite our loyal participants to join our live Meditations in my garden from now on to put up an even stronger Vibration. Participants from further away or abroad might be able to detect the Elevation of the Vibration. Should you be within reach, let me know via so we can send you details.
    The world needs all of us!!!

    Instructions 26th meditation, Saturday April 23rd 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

    The instructions have changed.


    Opening Sacred Space

    Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, a metal wind-chime, several brass bells, several Tibetan bells and a set of Chinese Chi Balls which open Sacred Space for Everyone and set Protection.


    Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light several candles and some good incense. Sit with your feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along your thighs, or assume the Lotus Position and put your hands on your knees. If necessary support your back.


    Stage 2: Think of the subject of this Meditation, which is: The use of the Formula of the Red Ray as an act of Service to the Greater GoodUse the Symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-Sign.

    Stage 3:

    Straighten your spine;

    Put your chin down a bit;

    Roll up your tongue against your palate;

    Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows;
    First, concentrate on the fontanel, the 7th or crownchakra, lovingly focus on Krishna (Krishna is considered to be the most Complete Incarnation of Vishnu, the Highest in the Divine Hierarchy);
    Concentrate on the front of all chakras, from top to bottom. Lovingly focus on the associated Masters (see Meditation 21).
    Then concentrate on the back of all chakras from the root chakra to the fontanel or crownchakra. Again lovingly focus on the associated Masters.

    Take a deep breath through the mouth, hold the breath with your hands on your knees. Or alternatively, assume the Lotus Position, stretch your arms, placing your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Next, breathe out through the mouth and then breathe normally again.
    After some time, bend over to the right with your right ear to your right knee and concentrate of the left part of the brain. Slowly come back to the middle position.
    Next, bend over to the left with your left ear to your left knee and concentrate on the right part of the brain. After a while, breathe deep and rise up. Finally, breathe normally again.


    Use your left index-finger to close off your left ear and concentrate on the Inner Aum.
    After some time take away your left finger and use your right index-finger to close of your right ear and concentrate on the Inner Aum again.
    Now close of both ears the same way and concentrate on the Inner Aum once more.

    Now sit back up, lay down or stand up and relax. Don’t forget to raise your eyebrows, roll up your tongue against your palate. Now consecutively concentrate on the fontanel, forehead, eyes, nose, ears, lips, teeth, tongue, chin, throat, heart, navel, underbelly, genitals, thighs, legs and feet.

    Slowly rise again, lift your head slightly upwards and with a detached look, stare into nothingness. Don’t forget to raise your eyebrows, put your chin down a bit and roll up your tongue against your palate.

    The start of Mahamudra
    Sit on your left heel and push your right knee against your belly. Hands together against the knee and press on the belly. Breathe in and out 5 times through the mouth. Don’t forget to raise your eyebrows and roll up your tongue against your palate.
    Breathe in through the mouth and hold for a while. Stretch your right leg and put your left foot against it. Grab the tows of your right foot with your right hand and with your left hand, grab the middle of your left foot. Breathe out and remain stretched for some time, while concentrating on the left side of your brain.

    By pressing on the belly, the pancreas is being stimulated and this prevents diabetes. 5 is the number of Sekhmet.
    Now you are performing Kriya Yoga. The Kriya Yoga that Paramahansa Yogananda brought to the West. Now that Paramahansa Yogananda has left his body, Prajnananda Yogananda spreads Kriya Yoga across the globe.

    Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the Collective without distinction between Friend and foe. Let the Good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the Collective.

    Stage 5: Open your mind for the use of the Red Ray.

    Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: The use of the Formula of the Red Ray as an act of Service to the Greater Good.

    Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candles, leave the incense to die out. Next, start doing something to distract you.

    Closing Sacred Space

    Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

    Keep strictly to the Method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the Physical Plain. Bring forth Spiritual Force and leave it to that Force to work it’s own way.


    Next Meditation

    Every Meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the Message. There is no need to sign in.

    We will not be using Zoom or Facebook Live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an International one. But you can easily do the Meditations on your own. We will spread the Message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

    Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via, use “Group Meditation” as a header.

    Good luck and thanks for participating!

    More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The Life and Spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

    The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” with introduction and commentary by Gareth Knight, is available on Amazon


    Best Wishes,

    Nancy Polet

  • Urgent Call for Action by Nancy Polet LLM, 25th message!

    Sky High Creations logo

    Call for Group Meditation, Saturday April 16th 2022

    I call on you to participate in a weekly Group Meditation every Saturday, starting from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 to 7.15 pm GMT). The goal is to turn this crisis around. The 1st Meditation took place Saturday October 30th 2021. By the end of every week, you will receive new instructions for the next Meditation by email.


    What’s going on?

    On April 12th, after 11 pm, the atmospere silenced completely. Just the sound of birds and the flickering flames at Shell Moerdijk could be heard. It felt like some kind of warning and we went over to check it out.
    The conflict in Ukrain is much more complicated than meets the eye. The roll that the US and Nato play is quite dim. History teaches us that Western troops were mainly involved in wars for no apparent reason, like Afghanistan, Lebanon, former Yugoslavia, or under false pretenses like Iraq. Where were those weapons of mass destruction again?
    On the day after Easter a March for Freedom will be held in Amsterdam. We will be there, but will Freedom Fighter Willem Engel be able to attend? Or will he be arrested for the 3rd time in the wake of Easter?



    • Where do I sign up?

    You cannot. Just follow the instructions of the Meditation.

    • What if I can’t make it on time?

    Just do the Meditation when you are able to. You can join the group again the week after. 

    • Should we be meditating daily?

    Dion Fortune suggested that the process would be more effective if everyone would do the Meditation daily. In modern times that is not always possible.


    • Nancy’s call for Group Meditation is shared often, which is much appreciated. Some people prefer Meditations with friends. More and more people join the Meditation every week.
    • Participants report they find the Meditations to be very inspiring and unifying.
    • Some people are empowered by the Meditation, others tingle at a higher frequency and some notice the field to be more at ease after the Meditation.
    • Some participants seem very happy with the Symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-Sign, as it represents the basis of Life on Earth.
    • We get reports from participants that join with the whole family every week and use the instructions to teach children about Meditation.
    • One participant pointed out that there is another reason why rolling up your tongue against your palate while Meditating is so important. As we would have explained in a later stage, your tongue touches the place in the mouth where it stimulates the Pineal Gland. And that is very important for Spiritual Growth as the Pineal Gland allows us to see beyond eyesight.

    Subject 24th Meditation 

    The subject of this week is: “The Formula of the Red Ray”.

    Nancy on the subject

    The Master of the Red Ray is Sekhmet, the Egyptian Lion Goddess, the bottom chakra or the Kundalini-fire. Sekhmet is Livid because of the upcoming 3rd World War. We must now show our teeth to the government so as to prevent them from falling in the trap of participating in this war.
    We invite our loyal participants to join our live Meditations in our garden from now on to put up an even stronger vibration. Participants from further away or abroad might be able to detect the elevation of the vibration. Should you be within reach, let us know via so we can send you details.
    The world needs all of us!!!


    Instructions 25th meditation, Saturday April 16th 2022, from 8.00 to 8.15 pm CET (7.00 pm UK time).  

    The instructions have changed.


    Opening Sacred Space

    Nancy rings 7 bells (a hotel-bell, a metal wind-chime, several brass bells, several Tibetan bells and a set of Chinese Chi Balls which open Sacred Space for Everyone and set Protection.


    Stage 1: After reading this email, sit in a shimmering room and light several candles and some good incense. Sit with your feet and knees parallel but not in contact, and hands laid flat along your thighs, or assume the Lotus Position and put your hands on your knees. If necessary support your back.


    Stage 2: Think of the subject of this Meditation, which is: “The Formula of the Red Ray”Use the Symbol of the Flower of Life, containing the Peace-Sign.

    Stage 3:
    Straighten your spine;
    Put your chin down a bit;
    Roll up your tongue against your palate;
    Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows;
    First, concentrate on the fontanel, the 7th or crownchakra, lovingly focus on Krishna (Krishna is considered to be the most Complete Incarnation of Vishnu, the Highest in the Divine Hierarchy);
    Concentrate on the front of all chakras, from top to bottom. Lovingly focus on the associated Masters (see Meditation 21). 
    Then concentrate on the back of all chakras from the root chakra to the fontanel or crownchakra. Again lovingly focus on the associated Masters.

    Take a deep breath through the mouth, hold the breath with your hands on your knees. Or alternatively, assume the Lotus Position, stretch your arms, placing your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Next, breathe out through the mouth and then breathe normally again.
    After some time, bend over to the right with your right ear to your right knee and concentrate of the left part of the brain. 
    Slowly come back to the middle position.
    Next, bend over to the left with your left ear to your left knee and concentrate on the right part of the brain. After a while, breathe deep and rise up. Finally, breathe normally again.


    Use your left index-finger to close off your left ear and concentrate on the Inner Aum.
    After some time take away your left finger and use your right index-finger to close of your right ear and concentrate on the Inner Aum again.
    Now close of both ears the same way and concentrate on the Inner Aum once more.

    Now sit back up, lay down or stand and relax. Don’t forget to raise your eyebrows, roll up your tongue against your palate. Now consecutively concentrate on the fontanel, forehead, eyes, nose, ears, lips, teeth, tongue, chin, throat, heart, navel, underbelly, genitals, thighs, legs and feet.

    Slowly rise again, lift your head slightly upwards and with a detached look, stare into nothingness. Don’t forget to raise your eyebrows, put your chin down a bit and roll up your tongue against your palate. 

    The start of Mahamudra
    Sit on your left heel and push your right knee against your belly. Hands together against the knee and press on the belly, elbows raised. Breathe in and out 5 times through the mouth. Don’t forget to raise your eyebrows and roll up your tongue against your palate.

    By pressing on the belly, the pancreas is being stimulated and this prevents diabetes. 5 is the number of Sekhmet.

    This is the 10th time you perform the basics of Kriya Yoga. The Kriya Yoga that Paramahansa Yogananda brought to the West. Now that Paramahansa Yogananda has left his body, Prajnananda Yogananda spreads Kriya Yoga across the globe.

    Rolling up your tongue against your palate while breathing in and out through the mouth has many advantages. It purifies the mouth and the food and it is beneficial for digestion. It is the drink of the Yogi’s; you will get more and different saliva. Over time that will result in better control over what you eat and what you say. You tend to talk less and become more aware of your emotions. Finally you will experience less hot or cold: Rolling up your tongue keeps the body cool and finally, it stimulates the Pineal Gland.

    Stage 4: Focus mentally, in the name of “All That Is” to service to the Collective without distinction between Friend and foe. Let the Good that you are about to invoke come through for all, relying upon Cosmic Law to adapt it to the needs or healing of the Collective.


    Stage 5: Open your mind for the Red Ray. 


    Stage 6: Meditate once again on the subject set for the work of this week: “The Formula of the Red Ray”.


    Stage 7: At the end, say out loud: “It is finished!”. Rise from your seat and stamp your feet firmly to make sure you are fully grounded. Blow out the candles, leave the incense to die out. Next, start doing something to distract you.


    Closing Sacred Space

    Nancy rings the 7 bells again which closes Sacred Space.

    Keep strictly to the Method. It is only by single-pointed teamwork that results are obtained. Never attempt to deal with specific problems just on the Physical Plain. Bring forth Spiritual Force and leave it to that Force to work it’s own way.


    Next Meditation

    Every Meditation will be different, serve another purpose, but the effect will be noticeable. Every email will contain clear instructions. Everyone can participate, you are free to pass on the Message. There is no need to sign in.

    We will not be using Zoom or Facebook Live in the foreseeable future, as we have a large Dutch audience as well as an International one. But you can easily do the Meditations on your own. We will spread the Message all over the world as we need as many participant as we can get.

    Suggestions and sharing of experiences is much appreciated. Messages are welcome via, use “Group Meditation” as a header.

    Good luck and thanks for participating!

    More info about Dion Fortune you can find in my article “The Life and Spiritual magic of Dion Fortune”, published in VAMzzz Magazine no. 4.

    The book “The Magical Battle of Britain” with introduction and commentary by Gareth Knight, is available on Amazon




    Best Wishes,


    Nancy Polet

  • Tuesday February 22nd 2022 “Manifesting Spirits: An Ethnographic Study of Trance and Physical Mediumship” Talk by dr. Jack Hunter (Via Zoom)

    Some may argue that mediumship and spiritism are a thing of the past. Mostly experienced and reported to have taken place in the late 19th and early 20th century. With great names like Leslie Flint who specialised in the phenomenon of the direct voice. And who has ever seen real ectoplasm coming from the ear of some medium? Surely that is a thing of the Golden Era when peolpe like Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley and of course Dion Fortune were active. Or is it?

    This presentation will be an exploration of contemporary trance and physical mediumship at a private spiritualist home-circle called the Bristol Spirit Lodge, which formed the basis of dr. Jack Hunter’s doctoral research. Located in a garden on the outskirts of Bristol, the Lodge is a wooden shed specially constructed for the purposes of mediumship development and spirit communication. Through a combination of ethnographic observations in séances, including his own experiences of mediumship development, and interviews with spirits and their mediums, this research revealed a sub-urban world of trance states, ectoplasm, spirit lights and discarnate entities. Issues relating to altered states of consciousness, personhood, performance and the efficacy of ritual are examined in order to make sense of the processes by which spirits become manifest in social reality.

    Examples of direct mediumship
    Here are some examples of direct mediumship in the 20th century.
    First a direct voice recording of Mahatma Ghandi coming through the London based medium Leslie Flint, recorded by researcher George Woods:


    Here is an picture of Leslie Flint at work. A trumpetlike shape (larynx) of ectoplasm comes from his mouth. Out of the trumpet sounds the direct voice of, for example, Ghandi.

    Here is another example of ectoplasm coming from the body of a medium, in this case from the nose.

    Dr. Jack Hunter
    Jack Hunter, PhD., is an anthropologist exploring the borderlands of consciousness, religion, ecology and the paranormal. He is an Honorary Research Fellow with the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre, and a tutor with the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. There, Jack is lead tutor on the MA in Ecology and Spirituality and teaches on the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. He is also a lecturer on the Alef Trust’s MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology. He is a Research Fellow with the Parapsychology Foundation, and a Professional Member of the Parapsychological Association. Jack currently sits on the board of directors of the Association for the Anthropology of Consciousness. In 2010 he founded Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal. He is the author of Spirits, Gods and Magic (2020) and Manifesting Spirits (2020), and is the editor of Mattering the Invisible (2020), Greening the Paranormal (2019), Damned Facts (2016) and Talking with the Spirits (2014). Jack lives in the hills of Mid-Wales with his family.
    His website can be found at
    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Manifesting Spirits”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559.
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice.
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.

  • Saturday December 18th 2021 “Krampus”, Lecture by Geraldine Beskin (Via Zoom)

    Krampus is scary, Krampus is old, smelly and horrible. He does nasty things – and yet, he is oh, so trendy. Explore the long history of this very European monster who has become a darling in the Folk Horror world. 

    Especially interesting for Dutch people as Krampus is the handsman of “Sinterklaas”, whom was later transformed to Santa Claus or father Christmas in most of the Western world. Sinterklaas, nowadays is only celebrated in The Netherlands and Belgium. For most of the recent history this helper of Sinterklaas was known as “Zwarte Piet”, a man in colorful clothing with a black face from climbing up and down the chimneys. There appear to be many similarities between the way Christmas and Sinterklaas are celebrated and the history of Santa Claus and his handsman Krampus. Strangely, the roots of these celebrations lie in Austria, where Santa Claus and his handsman Krampus were first described.

    Geraldine Beskin of London’s The Atlantis Bookshop enjoyed researching this small piece of folk history that shows a centuries old unbroken line of celebration. Her Talk is fully illustrated and she looks forward to hearing of any encounters you may have had with Krampus.

    Geraldine comes from a family of magicians and is one of the worlds leading experts on magic. Together with her daughter Bali she owns the worlds best bookshop on magic, The Atlantis Bookshop in London, that was founded in 1922. Her family has been running this mecca of magic for over 60 years. It is an institution in the heart of London, just a stonethrow away from The British Museum in Museumstreet. 

    Geraldine has been fortunate to know many of the teachers and authors who updated the language and attitudes towards magic and took it from the Medieval and Victorian times through the Swinging Sixties and beyond. As a bookseller, Geraldine has been able to research many subjects in and around the field of magic. Geraldine has many great stories to tell. 

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    8.20 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.30 pm CET: start
    10.00 pm CET: questions
    10.30 pm CET: zoom meeting ends 
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Krampus”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time. You can log on from 10 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559. 
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice. 
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.