
These are all English spoken events that we have organised since 2010 in chronological order starting with the latest one. For all Dutch events see the Dutch website.

  • Wednesday July 27, 2016. “A Night of Crop Circling”

    After the success of the “Night of Crop Circling” last summer, we decided to do it again in the summer of 2016. Like last time it will be a series of 6 short lectures on various crop circle related topics. We are happy to have found six new speakers with a profound interest and background in crop circling. There will also be stalls with crop circle books, jewelry and other crop circle memorabilia. 

    7.30 pm: Doors open
    8.00 pm: Frank Laumen (Slide show)
    coronation hall door8.20 pm: Roeland Beljon
    8.40 pm: Busty Taylor
    9.00 pm: Tea/Coffee Break
    9.30 pm: Annemieke Witteveen
    9.50 pm: Simon Miles
    10.10 pm: Prof. J. Paul de Vierville
    10.30 pm: End
    11.00 pm: Coronation Hall closes

    1000011_646470945364460_96247742_nFrank Laumen (D)
    Frank is one of the leading photographers in the field of crop circles and ancient sites. He also specializes in photographs of illuminated buildings around the world. Frank got involved in the phenomenon in 1997 when he first visited Wiltshire and he has been back every summer since. He will start the Night of Crop Circling with a stunning slide show to set the mood.

    Roeland Coronation HallRoeland Beljon (NL) “Crop circles, the chase goes on”
    Roeland has been visiting Wiltshire and the Crop Circles together with his partner Nancy Polet since 1994. In these years they have experienced some remarkable events, both in the UK and the Netherlands. He will share some of them tonight. Back home in the Netherlands, Roeland is chairman of the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies, in Dutch: Graancirkelwerkgroep Nederlanden.

    Busty Taylor Barge InnBusty Taylor (UK)
    Busty is one of the first crop circle researchers ever, being involved in the phenomenon since 1985. He was one of the leading crop circle researchers and photographers all during the nineties when the phenomenon was at it’s peak. He was a central member of the Centre for Crop Cirlce Studies. Through the years he developed his own unique view on crop circles that might be surprising to some of us. Busty also studied the ufo phenomenon. Nowadays his main interest is ancient sites.

    Miek09cAnnemieke Witteveen (NL)
    “The message of the Goddess”

    Annemieke got involved in crop circles in 2002 after reading a book about crop circles by Janet Ossebaard. In 2003 she went to Wiltshire on her own and soaked herself in the phenomenon. Annemieke is well known for her Antroposophical dolls, filled with the seeds from crop circles. Annemieke wrote a children’s book that revolves around crop circles. She has a vast experience visiting crop circles and has many stories to tell.

    Simon Miles (2) vierkant

    Simon Miles (UK)
    The Barbury Castle Crop Circle Sequence 1991-2008″
    Simon Miles, originally from Australia, has been fascinated by the mystery of crop circles since the late 1980s, but only went public with his research in 2015 with a presentation at the Bases Conference in Wiltshire in August. This fascinating talk has attracted very positive reactions from foremost investigators including Colin Andrews. Simon has uncovered deep connections between the geometry of key crop circles clustered around Barbury Castle which point to the involvement of higher mind in the creation of these designs, regardless of whether or not the circles involved were man-made. This is highly original and unique material which has the potential to open up an entirely new discussion on the origin of the phenomenon.
    Read more

    1dc00feProf. J. Paul de Vierville Ph.D. (CA)
    Conscious and Unconscious Crop Circling…Watching Psyche in the Field Formations…”
    Dr. De Vierville is Professor Emeritus of The Humanities, History and Interdisciplinary Studies at St. Philips College, Texas. His teaching interests and research experience is in cultural history with a special concentration on spa cultures, civilizations and the new cosmology. He has been a crop circle researcher for over ten years and a familiar face in the crop circle community in Wiltshire. Dr. De Vierville is especially interested in the symbols and their effect on our (un)consciousness.

    Your hosts for the evening: Roeland Beljon and Nancy Polet
    Roeland en Nancy

    Date: Wednesday july 27, 2016
    Location: Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire UK SN8 4LB
    Close to the Milk Hill White Horse
    Tickets only at the door, £ 10,– p.p, no reservations needed
    Coffee or tea £ 1,–

    Videos and photos
    For some video footage of the “Night of Crop Circling” last summer, see our video page:
    And photos:


  • Wednesday July 29, 2015, the first Sky High Creations Summer Event: “A Night of Crop Circling”

    Summer Event Flyer Engels 2 met sprekers

    Your hosts for the evening:

    Nancy Polet and Roeland Beljonroeland-nancy (1)
    We have been visiting Wiltshire and the crop circles every year since 1994. We experienced numerous synchronicities. Through the crop circles we met a lot of interesting people and made all kinds of new friends. Nowadays we use our network of people to spread the knowledge by organising lectures, symposia etc. Enjoy our “Night of Crop Circling”!


    tim carson_newssTim Carson
    Tim Carson is the owner of the most well known wheatfield in the world, the Eastfield. In this field where some legendary pictograms like the key shaped pictograms in 1990 and the double helix formation in 1996. Being a farmer in witshire Tim Carson has had more than his fair share of crop circles through the years.

    download (1)Klaas van Egmond
    Klaas van Egmond is a scientist. He teaches environmental studies at the University of Utrecht. His interest in Crop Circles was raised when he was the director of the Agency for Environmental and Nature planning in the Netherlands. “Surely an agency like mine must know what is going on in the wheat fields”. He has been studying the phenomenon for years and has had some very exciting experiences while doing that.

    ShawnShawn Randall
    Shawn Randall has a Masters Degree in Transformational Psychology at the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles, California. To achieve this she has written a thesis called: “The Phenomena of Crop Circles, Opening a Nonlocal Window and Evolving Consciousness”. Shawn is regarded the foremost teacher of channeling in the US. She has been researching the crop circles since the nineties.

    thumb 222:THE LIGHT CODES
    Just before the break, we will be showing a short trailer of the sacred geometry movie 22:THELIGHTCODES. This movie contains 22 unique sacred geometrical codes, combined with 11 cinematrical in-house music productions, tuned in 432Hz. Dvd’s will be on sale. The producer of the movie, Jeroen van Meeteren, who dedicated two years of his life to making it, will be there. Jeroen is the founder of the Hifi Mystery School.

    331857fTony Hughes
    Tony is the owner of the renowned Wiltshire Microlight Centre at Yatesbury. We flew with him numerous times, allways ending up with great pictures. He experienced many strange phenomena in all his years of flying the crop circles. He has some great stories to share.

    Simeon HeinSimeon Hein
    Dr. Simeon Hein has a Ph. D. in Sociology with a focus on the interaction between humans and technology. He also teaches Resonant Viewing, a systematic set of procedures that allow you to transcend your conscious mind. Simeon has been visiting Wilshire and studying the crop circles for the best part of the last two decades. Simeon will be with us on video.

    58956_595005143844374_1537333149_nBert Janssen
    Bert Janssen is one of the world most important crop circle researchers from outside the UK. He produced several documentaries on the topic as well as several books. He specialises in synchronicities and what he calls the otherworld. He is well known for his inspiring and entertaining lectures all over the world. He has a vast crop circle experience to share.


    Miek09cAnnemieke Witteveen
    Annemieke got involved in crop circles in 2002 after reading a book about crop circles by Janet Ossebaard. In 2003 she went to Wiltshire on her own and soaked herself in the phenomenon. Annemieke is well known for her Antroposophical dolls, filled with the seeds from crop circles. Annemieke wrote a children’s book that revolves around crop circles.

    Hifi Mystery School
    The film “22 THE LIGHT CODES” is on sale at the Hifi Mystery School stall.

    7.30 pm: Doors open
    8.00 pm: Tim Carson
    8.20 pm: Klaas van Egmond
    8.40 pm: Shawn Randall
    9.00 pm: Trailer “22 The Light Codes”
    9.05 pm: Tea/Coffee Break
    9.30 pm: Tony Hughes
    9.50 pm: Simeon Hein (on video)
    10.10 pm: Bert Janssen
    10.30 pm: End
    11.00 pm: Coronation Hall closes

    Date: Wednesday july 29, 2015
    Location: Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire UK SN8 4LB
    Close to the Milk Hill White Horse
    Tickets only at the door, £ 10,– p.p, no reservations needed
    Coffee or tea £ 1,–

    Crop Circle Experience
    For an impression of the world of crop circling, watch this video:


  • Saturday March 27th 2021, “The Covid-19 Crop Circle and other messages” lecture by prof. dr. Jerry Kroth Ph.D. (Via Zoom)

    Nights of Crop Circling, The Long Versions, featuring prof. dr. Jerry Kroth Ph.D.

    For the past 6 years, we have been doing “A Night of Crop Circling” in the middle of the crop cirlcle season. Every time we had 6 speakers that could do a talk of just 20 minutes. Now, in these dark times we decided to lighten life up a bit by giving these speakers the chance to do a full lecture. Crop Circles are a welcome distraction from the madness of the world we live in. Tonight’s talk is by prof. Jerry Kroth. This is his first lecture for Sky High Creations. We felt that because of the importance and urgency of his findings it was only logical to put him in the program. 

    Can you really be sure all crop circles are fakes?
    Dr. Jerry Kroth, Ph.D. wonders if all crop circles may not be human fakes and counterfeits after all. He analyzes three mysterious, intricate, and amazing pictograms  and astonishes the audience with the prospect that these actually may be extraterrestrial communications which we have been steadfastly taught to ignore and disregard. Disinformation propaganda through tricksters-hoaxer-croppies has successfully dissuaded most serious-minded scientists, academics, and laypersons from taking any of this seriously. Dr. Kroth does takes it seriously. The results are absolutely mind-boggling. This part of his talk comes from his 2019 book, Messages from the gods: a scientific exposition on the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles where over 40 mysterious crop circles are decoded with the aid and assistance of more than 20 scientists from Israel to Japan.

    The Covid-19 Crop Circle
    Prof Jerry Kroth attempts to decode a crop circles  that has relevance to Covid-19.  He consults with a biologist, microbiologist, and virologist and a pharmacologist in these detailed analysis. The crop circle appears to show the virus at magnification of 12 million and features an enlarged spike protein magnified even 100x greater than that. The elongated spike protein displays either 8 amino acids or a peptide which microbiologists refer to as “Sp8” in the scientific literature. This is a spike protein found in SARS which has an unusual positive immunological function, and it may have that function in Covid-19 as well. In other words the crop circle appears to be proactively suggesting remedies and appears one step ahead of contemporary science. . . This may be an extraterrestrial communication, although that it may have been created by human circle makers is also discussed. Prof. Kroth has made this white paper available for other crop circle scholars (and intrepid scientists) in hopes they will further decode this amazing structure and expand the knowledge base while this global pandemic is raging.

    Dr. Kroth will also present two other crop circle “messages” dealing with nuclear accidents and extraterrestrial warnings about human fertility.

    His talk about the Covid crop circles is supported by a short book which includes all the science cited. It may be obtained from Amazon

    Professor Dr. Jerry Kroth Ph.D.
    Jerry Kroth is an Associate Professor in the graduate counseling psychology program at Santa Clara University. He teaches psychotherapy and personality theory, dreamwork, and research methods. He has an abiding therapeutic interest in working with dreams, personal oracles, and the applications of dream theory to psychohistory. Dr. Kroth has been a member of the International Psychohistorical Association since 1983.

    Dr. Kroth’s seventeen prior books were in the areas of counseling, psychology, child sexual abuse, learning disorders, metapsychology, transpersonal psychology and research methodology. In addition, he has written and presented over 75 papers on anxiety, child development, mass psychology, synchronicity, experimental studies of the dream process, the psychology of propaganda and collective psychology. Professor Kroth lives in California with his wife and two daughters. His most recent books are listed below:

    – The psychic immune system: a hidden epiphenomenon of the physical immune system. Lexington Books, 2015
    – The Roswell Foil: how UFO discoveries radically change our understanding of the world, Genotype, 2021
    – Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (N.Y: Algora, 2003)
    – Psyche’s Exile: an empirical odyssey in search of the soul. (Libre Digital, 2008)
    – The Lindbergh kidnapping: mobs, mass psychology, and myth. (Genotype)

    Programme (CET, Central European Time, Amsterdam)
    7.40 pm CET: zoom meeting opens
    8.00 pm CET: start
    9.30 pm CET: questions
    10.00 pm CET: zoom meeting ends 
    If you want to attend this on-line lecture, send us an e-mail at entitled “Jerry Kroth”. Transfer € 15,– pp to NL78 ABNA 0467074526 to R.J. Beljon (BIC Code: ABNANL2A). After payment we send you the link to the zoom meeting in due time (usually a day prior to the lecture). You can log on from 20 minutes before the lecture starts. If you don’t have zoom installed just yet, this link will automatically install it for you. If you have never used zoom before, install it well before the lecture and log on early. If you run into trouble call us at +31 (0) 6 54752559. 
    Payment from outside The Netherlands
    To receive payment from abroad, we use paypal. Send an e-mail to and we will send you a Paypal invoice. 
    If you want to receive our Dutch newsletter, please subscribe here: nieuwsbrief.

    Or give us a call: +31 (0) 6 54 752 559.