In 2015 Sky High Creations organised the first “Night of Crop Circling” in Alton Barnes, right in the middle of crop circle country in Wiltshire UK. Since then we did one every year. And this summer we will be back for the 10th edition! As always, a series of 6 short lectures on various crop circle related topics by crop circle enthusiasts of very different backgrounds.
Confirmed speakers for 2023 are:
Roeland Beljon (NL)
Roeland is a Sociology major and has been working in the field of mobility management and environmental consultancy for over 26 years. has been visiting Wiltshire and the Crop Circles together with Nancy Polet since 1994. In 1995 they joined the Dutch Centre for Crop Circle Studies. A group of croppies that is still going strong today. Roeland has been chairman of the DCCCS for the past 12 years. In 2010 Roeland and Nancy founded Sky High Creations to bring together like minded people. Since then they have organised hundreds of lectures, workshops and symposia on frontier sciences and spiritual growth. The “Night of Crop Circling” is their highlight of the year.

Presentation: “A Tribute to Janet Ossebaard, Crop Circle Queen Extraordinaire”
Unfortunately, the renowned crop circle researcher Janet Ossebaard died in november last year. We feel obliged to pay tribute to this remarkable crop circle queen who has meant so much for many croppies all over the world.

Dan Vidler (UK)
Dan Vidler has spent the last 21 years documenting the interiors of crop circles, reporting on the details found within, that can often only be seen at ground level. Visiting the crop circles in Sussex during the season of 2003, Dan began finding intricate features, seemingly unnoticed by all but the most careful observers. Since then, in his website Dan has compiled an online archive of evidence from the fields, committed to reporting this aspect of the crop circle phenomenon as a contribution to the wider picture of research into this incredible mystery.

Presentation: “Layers of Mystery: Investigating Crop Circles at Ground Level”
Our view of crop circles is so often from the air; we marvel at the wonderful creations gracing the fields each summer and the incredible complexity, geometry and juxtaposition within the ancient landscapes in which they are placed.
Those of us lucky enough to be able to visit the circles on the ground are treated to the same complexity, intricacy and magic, but rather than as a whole, we see individual elements of the flattened and woven stems, reflecting, sometimes in minute detail, the majesty of the overall design.
Layers of Mystery will be published this summer. The book will be an extensive archive of over 35 different crop circle ground features, details of woven, layered, swirled and spiraled stems, documented throughout more than two decades’ research inside the formations of southern England.
The presentation will highlight some of Dan’s most memorable findings from a selection of the most enigmatic and awe inspiring crop circles to have appeared over the years, illustrated, as always, with incredible close up photos of details found in the fields.
Shawn Randall (USA)
Shawn Randall has a Masters Degree in Transformational Psychology at the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles, California. To achieve this she has written a thesis called: “The Phenomena of Crop Circles, Opening a Nonlocal Window and Evolving Consciousness”. Shawn is regarded the foremost teacher of channeling in the US. She has been researching the crop circles since the nineties.
Presentation: “Crop Circle Related Light forms and Balls of Light, a new perspective on communication”
Shawn will share some examples and undocumented events of apparent telepathic communication between humans and various light phenomena of the non-human circlemaking intelligence. We all are aware that various forms of light and particularly balls of light are often seen before; during and after a crop circle appears. Yet aside from the 2 credible films/video termed “Oliver’s Castle’ formation and Barbury; Castle’), balls of light have been illusive. And puzzling indeed. Countless stories about balls of light are shared among friends one meets in a crop circle. Countless stories have gone by the wayside unshared and unexplored. Anecdotal narratives that need exploring and analysis!
Enzo Brabazon
Enzo has been “circling” crop circle country for many years. With a camera always stuck to his hand and an apparent link with the phenomenon he had made numerous videos and pictures of typical crop circle light phenomena.
Presentation: “Beyond the Circles: A Journey from Crop Formations to Subterranean Mysteries”
Join Enzo for an exploration of unexplained phenomena to bridge the world of crop circles with groundbreaking archaeological discoveries. Drawing from his personal experiences and meticulous research, Enzo will share:
– Insights into the intricate relationship between consciousness and crop circle formation
– A mysterious “orb hole” phenomenon and its potential connections to interdimensional energies
– Exclusive footage of anomalous orb activity directly linked to physical evidence
– Details of a remarkable excavation that challenges our understanding of geology and potentially, of reality itself
This presentation weaves together sacred geometry, Jung’s theories of collective consciousness, and cutting-edge concepts from information theory and quantum physics.
Enzo will also showcase artifacts from his excavation, including uniquely propertied stones that defy conventional explanation (also available on his table!)
Prepare to be challenged, your curiosity set alight, as we dive into a convergence of science, spirituality and the unexplained.
Scott Onstott
Scott Onstott first became aware of crop circles in the 2000s and published a crop circle coloring book in 2005. An architect by training, Scott spent years drawing crop circles in his CAD program. This experience taught him firsthand about the sacred qualities of geometry and opened his mind to taking unexplained phenomena seriously. This openness, seen through his architect’s eyes, allowed Scott to perceive things differently and see patterns of unexplained order in art, architecture, urban design, and the cosmos. In the 2010s, Scott created the “Secrets in Plain Sight” documentaries, which were viewed by millions. This journey ultimately led him to co-create in the 2020s.
Presentation: “Crop circles illuminating our cultural shadow”
In recent decades, crop circles have mystified people worldwide. Often dismissed as pranks or natural phenomena, these intricate patterns offer a unique lens to examine our collective psyche. This lecture explores how crop circles illuminate our cultural shadow, revealing hidden aspects of society and the collective unconscious.

Rich Mallet
Living in the heart of Crop Circle Country, Rich has been visiting crop circles for over 25 Years. Tonight he will share his most fascinating stories and experiences of this intriguing and magical mystery.
Presentation: “Rich Mallett – My take on the Crop Circle Phenomenon”
Rich Mallet lives and breathes Crop Circles. Over the years he has developed his own particular view of the phenomenon. In his mind there is no doubt that there is a genuine phenomenon going on here and he has the experience to corroborate that.
Musical entertainmentUpon arrival of our audience and during the break we will have musical entertainment by Fraukje Ramona Weishaupt playing crop circle music on the harp. Fraukje is is a professional musician as well as a crop circle enthusiast. She is well loved in the crop circle circle community for her yearly harp concert in the crop circles.
There will be a couple of stalls with crop circle related items
7.30 pm: Doors open
8.00 pm: Roeland Beljon
8.20 pm: Dan Vidler
8.40 pm: Shawn Randall
9.00 pm: Coffee break
9.30 pm: Enzo Brabazon
9.50 pm: Scott Onstott
10.10 pm: Rich Mallet
10.30 pm: End
11.00 pm: Coronation Hall closes
If you are in the UK, or to be specific in Wiltshire, it is of course best if you come over to the Coronation Hall and join us live. But if you are unable to come over, we will do the Night of Crop Circling on zoom too! This will be a live broadcast so calculate carefully what the times are in your part of the world. We will start at 8.00 PM UK time. For example that is 9.00 PM in central Europe and Noon in California.
If you want to join via zoom, registration is required. You can register until 24 hours before we start. We will send the link to the zoom session on July 31st, well before we start.
If you want to register, send us an email with “NOC ZOOM” as title. We will send you a paypal invoice for € 17,50. After payment you will receive the link a couple of hours before the Night of Crop Circling starts.
Mind you! Everyone that has registered and paid, also receives a link to the video recording of the event. That is also the backup for any technical difficulty that you or we may encounter during the event.
If you want to join us live in Alton Barnes, see the details below.
Have a look at our video page to see some of the lectures in the previous years.
Or see the pictures of the 2022 Night of Crop Circling, 2019 Night of Crop Circling, 2018 Night of Crop Circling, 2017 Night of Crop Circling, the 2016 Night of Crop Circling or the 2015 Night of Crop Circling
Date: Wednesday July 31st 2024
Location: Coronation Hall, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire UK SN8 4LB
Close to the Milk Hill White Horse
Tickets cash only at the door £ 17,50, exact change is much appreciated.
Coffee or tea £ 1,–
Important note:
Please don’t block our neihgbours entrances when parking